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Frequently asked questions

Unlock the secrets of successful marketing! Reach out to us with additional questions, expert guidance and support.

How fast is the setup?

The setup takes minutes. You will receive your logins once you are all setup and ready to manage your online information.

When can I see my listings on the internet?

Your business locations will start populating almost immediately upon integration of Facebook or Google Business page to our engine.

Do you provide reports?

Yes, you will be able to see the live data and activities on the account. The analytics are available at all times within your client dashboard. Monthly reports are automatically sent to your email on file.

Do I loose my listings after termination?

Your listings will be permanently created and you will not loose any work done once created. The only way to loose your listings is by actions of the third party platform i.e. if the third party shuts down the platform.

Start using the CRM platform of the future, today.

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